World of warships mod japanese flag
World of warships mod japanese flag

Japan, in general, don't admit the war crimes they committed during WW2 (by saying bullsh*t like bombing Pearl Harbor is saving Asia from Westerners' colonization, and more), and that's why they don't abandon that flag like Germany, they know it's offensive (or they won't use it against the Korean during 2020 olympic). (namely Asian countries) The reason why it still exists is that Japan didn't abandon it like Germany. The same can be applied to that JMSDF flag, since Japan has committed serious war crime during WW2, that flag (used by Japanese troops during WW2) is considered offensive in countries that had been invaded by Japan in history.

world of warships mod japanese flag

When it comes to 'flag problems' like this you should think about history, even though many countries don't specifically write 'Nazi flags are illegal' in their law, I think you still don't dare to fly Nazi flag in public. In fact during 2020 olympic Japanese used that flag to offend Korean because they think the banners Korean put up offended them. So if you think USSR flag should be banned because some countries think that's illegal (and I hope you can list some because I didn't find reliable info on it), then same can be done to JMSDF flag, and that's to a greater extent.

World of warships mod japanese flag